hugh nicks
August 25th, 2003, 12:43
wondering if anyone can help me out.

xmms is running great on my box with cd's, but streaming audio is a no go. i know i messed up, but i don't know how to fix it. i was on shoutcast yesterday, and went to open a stream, and being that it was the first time i tried, i saw the screen where it asks you what you want to do with the file, save or open using. i clicked open using, and browsed to what i thought was the xmms file and chose that. i didn't realize that the button was clicked for "always use this for this file type", and xmms just sat there looking at me.

now, i can't listen to any streaming station, because they all point to something other than xmms when you click on a stream. confused? i am. how can i fix this without uninstalling and reinstalling?


August 25th, 2003, 13:26
most likely your using mozilla right?

somewhere in there is a file type association..

you might also want to try backing up your .mozilla dir and moving it to a new name.. or dig though the tree to find where it's holding that setting.

hugh nicks
August 25th, 2003, 15:17
i'm using firebird, and i can't find any file assoc anywhere. weird. :?

hugh nicks
August 25th, 2003, 16:00
ok, got a little further. turns out you can change the file assoc in the kde control panel under components. you have to add xmms to the list of apps that can play a .pls file, then you have to restart kde. now everytime i click on a stream, i get the window asking me what app i want to use. whew!

but now, when i browse to /root/.xmms and use the xmms.m3u, i get the same problem. should i be pointing this to that path? or am i totally in the wrong directory? if i just go to "run command", and type in xmms, it pops up, but if i type that in the app selection window, it comes back and says "xmms is not located in - whatever folder"

closer, but still stumped.


August 25th, 2003, 16:47
whats xmms.m3u

a playlist?

if so just run

$ xmms ~/.xmms/xmms.m3u

however every playlist i know of is .pls

August 25th, 2003, 17:08
m3u is an mp3 url file ( IE: location of a sound file, /home/soup/music.ogg ) xmms.m3u is where xmms stores the url of whatever files you have in your current play list.

Find out where xmms is located within your file system,

$whereis xmms
xmms: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmms

then have it associated with audio/x-mpegurl, and audio/x-scpls. Best of luck :).

hugh nicks
August 25th, 2003, 17:18
you lost me a bit there soup.

i'm trying to listen to a stream - whatever.pls - from winamp, and when i click on "listen here", a little window pops up saying:

The file "shoutcast-playlist.pls" is of type audio/x-scpls, and Mozilla Firebird does not know how to handle this file type. This file is located at:

What should Mozilla Firebird do with this file?

* Open it with (Choose)
* Save it to disk

* Always show this dialog before handling files of this type


So when I click *choose*, what directory am i browsing into? and then what file am I choosing?

hope this clarifies.


August 25th, 2003, 17:23
Choose "open with" then browse to /usr/X11R6/bin/xmms

That'll do it.

hugh nicks
August 25th, 2003, 17:33
you guys rock. works great. funny thing though, while browsing through the directory's, once i got to bin, it showed no files. i had to type in xmms. i even had the button checked to show hidden files.

don't care, i got my tunes!

thanks everyone.

hn :D

August 25th, 2003, 17:41
tunes is a really important thing to have on your box...

since no X on my server kinda sux i use a port called mp3blaster which is a ncurses based mp3 player... kinda nice actually... for those who dont have X

August 25th, 2003, 17:48
I prefer mplayer the old swiss army knives of media players ;). Then again you might need xlibs for mplayer to compile. There still mpg123 and ogg123 if all you need is mp3/ogg playback.

hugh nicks
September 9th, 2003, 23:55
now i've got another issue. after i recompiled my kernel to include pcm, i've noticed that the volume in xmms is either at maximum, or it's off. it doesn't matter where the slider is. i have to get up and adjust the vol right from my amp. very inconvienient. i've looked through the control panel for kds, but can't find any "master volume" selection to change. am i missing something silly? :oops:


September 10th, 2003, 00:09
now i've got another issue. after i recompiled my kernel to include pcm, i've noticed that the volume in xmms is either at maximum, or it's off. it doesn't matter where the slider is. i have to get up and adjust the vol right from my amp. very inconvienient. i've looked through the control panel for kds, but can't find any "master volume" selection to change. am i missing something silly? :oops:


are you using a digital input from your sound card?

hugh nicks
September 10th, 2003, 00:58
are you using a digital input from your sound card?

digital input to where? i have an onboard sound card, and i have a mini-to-rca cable that plug into my aux inputs on my amp. the mini end is plugged into the green jack (line out, i believe) on the s/c. i think the black one on s/c's is digital.

hope this helps.


hugh nicks
September 16th, 2003, 18:45
made a little more progress figuring this out, but it still irks me. now i have my volume control knob in the kde kicker, and that will correctly change the volume, but changing the volume slider in xmms still does nothing. it either plays at 100%, or it's off.

is there something in xmms i need to configure to have the volume run off the master control? i've never had to do this before, so that's why it's buggin' me so much. i couldn't find anyone else who had the same issue, so i'm wondering if anyone here has experienced this.


September 29th, 2003, 17:15
you're using kmixer in kde right? did you only adjust the master volume or did you open the kmixer controls and adjust all the sliders, master, pcm, etc?