September 30th, 2003, 16:23
Hello everyone...

Well, i'm having a problem with spampd (Spam proxy daemon) on my OpenBSD mail gateway. I've setup postfix, SA and Spampd and everything works correctly. Any email messages received are piped through the spampd to check for spam, then passed back to postfix for relaying to my internal mail server...works great.

However, im having a problem when I try and start spampd upon boot.

I put the following in /etc/rc.local:

[code:1:5feccad354]/usr/bin/spampd --maxrequests=50 --satimeout=90 --host=localhost:10025 --relayhost=localhost:10026[/code:1:5feccad354]

But for some reason, it does not start properly. When I check the maillog, this is what i see: (NOTE: This is after a reboot)

[code:1:5feccad354]Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: Process Backgrounded
Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: 2003/09/30-12:16:03 SpamPD (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(23267)
Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: Binding to TCP port 10025 on host localhost
Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: Setting gid to "1001 1001"
Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: Setting uid to "1001"
Sep 30 12:16:03 blowfish spampd[23267]: Couldn't POSIX::setuid to "1001" []

Im using a user 'mail' and a group 'mail'.

Anyone have any ideas on what it could be?
I've tried changing the user and group, but doesnt make a difference.
